The world has shifted, irrevocably, and we find ourselves in a time of endings and beginnings. The unravelling of old forms and emergence of new.
In today’s shifting landscape, a new definition of best practice is required. A definition that recognises the limitations of knowledge derived from bestselling books or MBAs teaching yesterday’s knowledge.
For leaders to effectively engage in and with this new reality, they need to come home to themselves. To turn towards their own humanity and accept uncertainty and ambiguity as the new norms. To find a source of stability that can withstand the intensity of disruption we face moving forward. And to work with others in reimagining the future.
One to one leadership coaching with Liminal Play incorporates two movements which bring confidence, clarity and ease in turbulent times – turning inwards towards the deep capacity of your inner terrain, and zooming outwards to see yourself and your system from all angles. Two movements integrating being, seeing and doing.
Becoming fluent in these two movements will enable you to see your unique and lasting contribution towards a future which serves everyone.
In urgent times the imperative is to slow down. In a warm and supportive environment, I provide you with a space to return to yourself.
Using a paradoxical approach to change, we focus on awareness of what ‘is’ – in thoughts, emotions, senses and the body. We also recognise what is working well in your life and work, and how existing resources and skills can be used to further support and nourish you.
As we explore being ‘with’ reality, it unlocks the capacity for you to see clearly and take necessary actions with relative ease.
The change that emerges is organic, sustained and meaningful because it has come from you and your reality. It can also be transformational – for you, and those around you.
Future generations will see clearly what is difficult for many to acknowledge today – that our present moment in history is characterised by intense disruption and turmoil. Yet in the many facets of our current crises also lie seeds of possibility.
I support leaders and senior teams in system sensing, learning to ‘listen loudly’ to the time and place in which they stand. By using three-dimensional objects, mapping and a felt-sense, we can engage powerful parts of our brains that are not easily accessed using only words.
With greater awareness of what is really going on, leaders and teams have a wider range of meaningful responses that help them move forward with greater ease, efficiency and alignment.
This approach using mapping and metaphor is designed to provide an accessible and effective structure for participants who have no previous experience with system sensing.
The relationship between coach and coachee is one of the most significant factors in effective coaching. I offer a free no-obligation 45 minute discovery call for us to jointly clarify where you are at, what you are looking for from coaching and how we might work together. If you would like to book a call, please get in touch.
My coaching programmes are structured according to your needs and budget, but the best results come from working together over the course of 6-12 months. These sessions are typically fortnightly or monthly and run for 60 min, though we may schedule double sessions for particular work such as mapping.
Most of my coaching takes place over Zoom, but is also available in-person in Melbourne.